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Infrared (808-830nm) laser irradiated before trainings or competitions improves muscle performance, delays muscle tiredness and significantly reduces lactic acid concentration.
Laser irradiation before doing sport improves the mitochondrium function in muscle cells and this way makes the oxygen supply more efficient. In addition, owing to the laser light, the blood supply of the cells is better, the microcirculation and the nutrient supply rise.
Laser irradiation after sport activities accelerates the regeneration of the muscles and ligaments. It also accelerates the degradation of the lactic acid and reduces the level of fatigue-fever.
Important physiological effects of laser light are the antiphlogistic effect, enhanced healing of swelling and oedema after traumatic injuries, and efficient alleviation of acute or chronic pain.
A further beneficial effect is the facilitation of the healing process of skin damage, after-operation or bone fracture wounds, and of ligament or muscle rupture.
Researches and numerous case studies have proven that laser treatment significantly accelerates the healing time after sport injuries, improves rehabilitation effectiveness and reduces the chance for another injury.